Become a Member...
All members will have the opportunity to give and receive healing
and develop as spiritual beings.
Rays of Healing Church Membership
Rays of Healing Church, Inc., is a nonprofit corporation of the State of Virginia. The Church has been granted all of the rights and privileges for religious bodies. To request to review the Constitution and Bylaws, please contact the Church leader, Rev. Wanda Lasseter Lundy. You can also download the Constitution and Bylaws from here.
The members of Rays of Healing Church shall consist of any mature individual who is called by God to be of service and who expresses the desire and displays the wiliness to regularly contribute time, money and/or service to the purpose for which this Church was formed. The purpose of the Church is to provide:
- Service to Spirit through humanity and service to humanity through Spirit,
- Divine healing services to as many beings as possible,
- Opportunity, education, and training for spiritual growth and development,
- Ordination and licensing of ministers in support of their ministerial duties for the church,
- To establish and oversee places of assembly, fellowship, and “Services to
- Spirit” under the guidance of Spirit,
- To create departments and branches as may be necessary to support our service,
- To have the right to own, hold in trust, use, possess, sell, convey, mortgage, lease or dispose
of property, be it real or chattel, as may be needed for completion of the work.
Members of the Church are called by their hearts and soul to:
- Offer unconditional love to all beings
- Provide service to God and humanity through all our gifts and talents
- Assemble in fellowship and love to celebrate life and to give service
- Share divine healing energies with all who wish to receive
- Learn about the many methods and means of healing and engage
in opportunities for spiritual development - Minister to the spiritual needs of those who seek the truth
Membership Benefits
All members will have the opportunity to give and receive healing and develop as spiritual beings. Rays of Healing Church members are compassionate, loving, and joyful people who wish to share their love and joy and use their gifts and talents for the benefit of the greater good.
Joining Rays of Healing Church provides an opportunity to be with like-minded people of similar interests who are dedicated to serving Spirit and Humanity not from obligation but from love. Opportunities will be provided to provide service through the Church to the community, all humankind, the earth, the universe and thus to God. Like minded people will congregate in Service to Spirit meetings and classes and in special member activities, including social gatherings for members.
Based on existing Church resources at each location such as budget and available ministers, members will receive preference for the following services provided for or sponsored by the Church:
- Healing Services A minister will visit members during a hospital stay and provide a healing session or counseling services
- Distance healing will be sent by the ministers to members who are ill
- Members and their loved ones will be placed on the prayer list as requestedMembers receive precedence for healing services.
Rays of Healing Church members are free to have memberships in other Churches or religious faiths. There is no doctrine or restriction prohibiting dual memberships. Our Church is metaphysical and honors all spiritual practices.
Membership Requirements
Members must agree to meet the requirements of membership. Membership requirements include:
- Regular attendance to “Service to Spirit” fellowship, teaching, and healing services
- Providing time, talent, goods, services, or financial support in the form of love offerings and volunteer services to further the goals of the Church and ensure healing services for those in need. Love offerings are voluntary amounts based on the resources of the individual or family. All funds of Rays of Healing Church are used to provide healing and educational services to members and others with need or to support Church operations. Services may include volunteering for committees, event planning, support services, outreach efforts, or assisting with Church business. (Rays of Healing Church, Inc., is legally incorporated as a nonprofit organization.)
- Members will provide healing for others through Service to Spirit healing sessions, by visiting the sick and those in need, or by joining the Church ministry
Member Voting Rights
Each member of Rays of Healing Church shall be entitled to one vote as a member of the Church. Votes of branch church (chapter) members carry authority for the operations of the branch church (chapter) within the existing constitution and by-laws of the central church (non-profit organization headquarters). Votes on matters concerning church policy are given through representation. These votes carry no authority for governing the internal affairs of the corporation and do not constitute decision-making authority over church policy.
On matters of branch church (chapter), operations, the lead minister of the branch church will call for a voters meeting. Branch churches may perform administrative duties as delegated by the Board of Directors and within delegated authority.
On matters of Church policy, individual votes serve as advice to be given to the senior ministry, Board of Directors, or governing committees as designated by the board. The Board of Directors will determine when a full “voters’ meeting” is required. Advance notice as to when, where, and the reason for the voters’ meeting will be given. In the instance of branch churches (chapter) in distant locations, local members will give their votes to a branch representative. Branch representatives will advise the branch council of the vote of the branch church.