Request a Prayer or a Healing

Healing is provided free-of-charge on the third Monday of each month by our ministers and other healers. If you would like to receive a healing at our next regularly scheduled healing service day, please email Patrick Lasseter Lundy and provide your name, telephone number, and reason for the request .
Healing Prayer in English
Divine Infinite Spirit, we ask that all who pray for those who request prayer be cleared of energy that is not conducive to healing. We ask that we who pray be connected to divine love, centered, balanced, aligned, and grounded. We ask to be vessels of divine healing energy that we may send out to everyone who requests it.
We ask for healing from divine source. We request the assistance of the ascended masters, the angels, the spirit of nature and earth energy – for all light beings and guides to assist in the healing the planet and in the healing of all who request to receive it.
We bring alternative healing awareness, service and learning to the neighboring communities through our network of healers and spiritual teachers. Individuals can choose the modality that resonates most with them by experimenting and learning from experts who share their loving energy and skills in Intuitive Healing, Reiki, Access Bars, Crystals, Dousing, EFT, Mindfulness Meditation, Nutrition, Shamanism, Sound healing, Yoga, Acupuncture and a host of other healing modalities. Let us connect you with some of the top healers and teachers in the region.

With these light beings, we send universal love and healing energy to all in need. We send it to:
- those whose hearts are weary,
- those who have lost faith in life and love,
- those whose hearts are broken,
- those who cannot find their way,
- those who do not have abundance,
- those who struggle from day to day.
We send healing energy to those who have:
- Addictions,
- those who have been in accidents,
- those with depression or anxiety,
- Or who have mood disorders,
- and we send it to those with mental and emotional health issues.
We ask for assistance to those about to make their transitions, that their way be eased with love and support.
We ask for healing for all caregivers, those who aid and rescue, those who take care of other people, that they have the strength and energy they need.
We ask for healing for those who would harm other people, animals, or any living creature. We ask for healing for those who would harm the earth. We ask for healing for those who cannot live in harmony and balance. We ask that we all come to a greater, deeper understanding of the meaning of life so that we seek ways to help each other in our co-existence so that we spread love and life as we cherish each other.
We ask that all people who have made a request receive the healing and love that is in their best interests, the healing, and love that is right for them at this time.
We thank God, the one who is many and the many who is one, for hearing our prayers and providing what is needed for each person, each being, sufficient unto the day.
We extend our heartfelt love to you and yours and our gratitude for this opportunity to be of service.
Blessed Be and Love to You All.
Healing Prayer in Spanish
Espíritu Creador Divino,
Visualizamos que todos aquellos que rezan por quienes solicitan oración, sean limpiados de energía que no conduce a la sanación. Afirmamos que nosotros, estamos en conexión con el Amor Divino, centralizados, equilibrados, alineados y en contacto firme en la tierra. Nos vemos como vasos conductores de la Energía de Sanación Divina.
Invocamos sanación de la Fuente Divina. Afirmamos sintonización con los maestros ancestrales, con los ángeles, con el espíritu de la naturaleza y de la energía de la tierra – para que todos los guías y seres de luz contribuyan en la sanación del planeta y en la sanación de todos aquellos que la soliciten.
Con estos seres de luz, miramos más allá de las apariencias y transmitimos el Amor Universal y la Energía de Sanación a todos los que la necesitan:
- aquellos que su corazón esta cansado o dañado,
- aquellos que han perdido la Fé en la vida y en el amor,
- aquellos que buscan su camino,
- aquellos que buscan abundancia,
- aquellos que buscan alivio a los problemas de la vida diaria.
Enviamos Energía de Sanación a todos aquellos que experimentan:
- Adicciones
- Accidentes
- Problemas mentales o emocionales – depresión, ansiedad, trastornos del ánimo